National Leagues of each country are developing their image at an international level, and reach more and more audience.
McSport is here to help your Domestic League to grow and have a world wide reputation. Thanks to our expertise, and contact all over the world, we provide all kinds of supports that will suite you and the audience by breaking the barriers of distance and language and adapt to cultures.
For this matter, we have collaboration with worldwide audiovisual group, and parties that are open for organization of this kind of events, where you only can spread the values of your country’s brand.
With different types of events for all categories of ages and also Women. As Friendly Matches between your domestic teams, and the local teams of the host country; Tournaments of several teams from different nations; and Legends Matches Matches between some of the best former players from the League.
A program created by the Professional Football League with the collaboration of audiovisual group and fully backed by the government, the National Sports Council and the Institute for Foreign Trade.
– An initiative to bring professional clubs over the world closer together simultaneously to internationally project the image of local football, spread the values of our country’s brand and generate new opportunities for all parties involved by organizing parallel cultural and business events.
– Its football exhibition tournament, as well as other sports events summarized in the following categories:
• Friendly matches – between strange professional football clubs and local or combined teams
• Legends – Matches between some of the best former players from local teams
• Youth tournaments between local grassroots and other
International clubs
• Women’s Football – Matches for both, clubs and national teams
• Showcasing successful national sport disciplines around the world